Hi Friends, 

I’m Jenna.

The heart and soul behind Stella + Sol's Certain Design.    
I’m a mom of 3 little humans, a Human Design enthusiast, and someone who believes that every child deserves to know just how special they are as well as adults and bringing into the family dynamic, the most harmonious lifestyle.
I was born in Ontario, Canada and spent a brief time living in Nova Scotia, which I chalk up to being a very impactful part to leading me into the life if spirituality and personal development. While we found ourselves loving life out there we ultimately were meant to come back to Ontario and raise our babies in the last place we ever thought we wanted to do that but for us this is a place filled with the energy or love, success and expansion in a lot of areas of our lives. 

If you had told me i was going to be a teacher or coach I would have cut you right off and corrected that statement… as i actually did a few times.

I never thought I had the ability to guide people. That I would have the right words to make an impact in other’s lives. Although I always had people telling me how amazing I would be in those types of roles, I just couldn’t see the possibility of it within myself. I was someone who faked my confidence and never felt like I fully fit in. I thrived in 1:1 conversations but always felt out of place or like I had to prove myself in group settings. I have since learned that I truly am designed, in this way, as a guide, but it wasn’t for me to see at that time.

Enter the Missing Piece Of My Puzzle... 

Human Design

This is the tool that changed everything for me. It offered me actual insight into who I am, my purpose in life, and how to help my body function optimally. It was the blueprint (body graph - chart) I didnt even know I was missing. 
I have was never a big ‘woo woo’ believer but when I was little I always questioned and analyzed and speculated. I knew there was no such thing as a coincidence, or that common sense for some just wasn't in the cards for others.
My journey with Human Design started as a personal experiment—trying to understand myself better and find balance in my own families life. As I dove deeper, I realized how called I was to the information and just powerful this system could be, not only for me but for my entire family too. I was toying with the idea of pulling my children who were in school at the time and trying the whole homeschooling thing. By making that decision from my own personal authority I knew it was the right choice, which led me to creating custom personalized workbooks for my children. Watching their faces light up as they learned about their unique energies... this was one of the most magical experiences! That’s when I knew I wanted to share this with other families.

My reason

When you become a parent everything changes. The system of Human Design doesn’t just help you become the best version of yourself, it helps you navigate your whole family dynamic.

I entered parenting knowing the mother I was going to be, who that looked like for me, and I was good at it. My kids slept, were happy and mostly fairly easy. The moment you have 3 everything you knew gets tossed aside. Your patience is tested, your time for individual time together is none existent and you learn to loosen the control on pretty much all things.

This was the moment my little Manifesting Generator entered our family. He wasn’t like my two Manifestors who were already ruling the house hold with their repellent auras. He like his father seems to be the exception to all the rules. He operated on a whole new level and with the energy to match it.

We are born knowing exactly how to and when to eat, sleep, and play in a way that supports our own system of best digesting information and learning. Our jobs as parents are to support them and in my case guide them. We are here to trust them and build the environment that serves them the best in a safe way for them to learn how to trust themselves.

Fun Facts

  • 2/4 Self Projected Projector

  • Quality Time and Acts Of Service

  • Dark Chocolate

    Lattes - Chestnut Praline, Apple or Hazelnut

    All the Cheesecake!

  • Board Games

    Acquiring Information

    All The Crafting

    Lifting Weights

  • Family Time

    1:1 Conversations

    No BS

    Ah Ha Moments

    Giving Alternate Perspectives

  • Loud Enviroments


    The Victim Mentality

Let’s Work Together